Perserverance is the Name of the Game

in Personal on February 25, 2007

I just love this little picture. For me it signifies the narrow, but straight path that those who want to live by certain principles, will have to follow. When you get a glimpse of what the true reality of that narrow path signifies you can see and enjoy its beauty and get more strength to go on, otherwise, all you’re left with is the narrowness of it.


The name of the game is “Perseverance”

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About the author 

the Albanian Blogger

Elvis is an Albanian entrepreneur and freelancer, creator and primary contributor behind

He is passionate about what he does on and offline, and wants to be a positive influence on the people he comes in contact with. His desire is to experience life and true friendship, and share the best with everyone.

Since 1998 he has established an ever growing list of ventures, much beloved among which are: Sfida.Pro  and and - libraria ime! He has served as webmaster and digital marketing consultant for names such as: - - - - - - etc, etc.

This Blog was started in September 2004. You can see his professional profile here or contact him directly through his email: eplaku (at)

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