If you have a Blog or website that you care about and would like to have more information about your visitors then Google Analytics is the tool you need to start using.
A few days ago I installed Google Analytics, which helps you track your Blog or website visitors and other such statistics and should say that it is the best I’ve ever used.Normally, if you have a website which uses a hosting package, then you have some tool which gathers statistical information about your website. Personally I have seen and used several of such statistical tools as I have had several hosting packages.
Nevertheless, ever since I heard of Google Analytics, and most importantly, of the fact that it is free, I have wanted to implement it on the different websites that I manage, including Albanian Blogger (as well as some other ones i.e. ShtepiaeLibrit.com; albKristian.com; albartist.com; etc).
As regards the Google Analytics tool, I’m still getting used to all its different features, but from the different reviews as well as the layout and information that it gathers, I am convinced is worth it.
Meanwhile, from looking at the statistics gathered so far, I noticed that most of my reader are from mainly from Albania, followed by United Kingdom, Germany, United States, Greece, Switzerland, Turkey, etc.