Why I’m saving money on my cell phone bill?

Over the past two-three months I’ve been working at lowering my monthly cell phone bill. My strategy: Use another cell phone service carrier/provider. Basically, now I have two cell numbers that I use. One for all my work calls and the other for my personal ones.

My main service provider is Vodafone Albania, however, I am very dissatisfied with their tariffs and cannot help as it is provided by my employer for work related calls. In the past I would use the same number to make my personal calls as well, and then pay for them at the end of the month when the bill would come. However, I was paying about 6,000 Lek just on personal calls. That had to end.

What did I do ?
When Eagle Mobile came out I figured out their tariffs would be better, and in some regards there were. However, I did some calculations and figured out that if I were to use an Eagle Mobile number for all my calls toward the other carriers Vodafone Albania and AMC   now  ( One.al ), then I would end up paying almost the same tariffs as I was already doing.

I figured that since majority of my monthly cell phone calls were being made to a select number of people, that if I could convince them to buy themselves another cell number, we could all use the Riniring tariffs amongst ourselves. That’s what we did.

Just today I was looking at my December cell phone bill from Vodafone and when I added up all my personal calls it came up to about 2,000 Lek. Yes now I’m paying 4,000 Lek less on my Vodafone bill. Meanwhile, I’m paying only 800 Lek monthly for all my Eagle Mobile calls. In all I’m saving about 3,200 Lek a month on all my personal calls and savings are expected to go a little higher as I’ve gotten another friend of mine to use Eagle Mobile for our calls together.

In closing
I don’t know if this works for everyone, but it is working for me. Oh, and by the way please don’t take this as any type of advertising for Eagle Mobile, since I think that they are not playing it fair either. But that is another post.

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About the author 

the Albanian Blogger

Elvis is an Albanian entrepreneur and freelancer, creator and primary contributor behind AlbanianBlogger.com

He is passionate about what he does on and offline, and wants to be a positive influence on the people he comes in contact with. His desire is to experience life and true friendship, and share the best with everyone.

Since 1998 he has established an ever growing list of ventures, much beloved among which are: Sfida.Pro  and SfidaBiznesi.com and ShtepiaeLibrit.com - libraria ime! He has served as webmaster and digital marketing consultant for names such as: Gazeta-Shqip.com - WVI.org/Albania - Lajmifundit.com - Facilization.com - WebHost.al - CityParkAlbania.com - etc, etc.

This Blog was started in September 2004. You can see his professional profile here or contact him directly through his email: eplaku (at) gmail.com

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