Ah, the joy of being a young dad! I get these regular emails from BabyCenter and while checking out one of their latest newsletters, one of the titles caught my attention, so I used it as a title for this post as well.
In the past several weeks my son has started checking out all the food we eat, and he almost always wants to taste it. These last two days I’ve let him taste raw tomatoes and other stuff. It’s so amazing to see how he reacts to new tastes while all the time looking at you as if saying: “what is this daddy am I going to like this?” The variations of food affect his poop, which explains my interest in this dirty subject!
Warning: If you are that curious you might as well check it out for yourself. Non-parents are advised to have a baby-diaper-experienced friend nearby! If you’re wondering how this relates to Albanian reality and life, then please read our Albanian politics posts. Thanks!