Earthquake in Tirana

Earthquake shakes up to 5.2 on the Rihter scale

in Daily Life in Tirana, Personal on May 19, 2014

Earthquake in TiranaLast night I awoke suddenly at 3 am to discover that there was an earthquake going on. The sight is always frightful, but even more so when this happens at night.

As I tried to figure out how severe it
was and how long it would last, my only other thought was to figure our if we all needed to get out of the apartment building.

Even my wife, who is a heavy sleeper, felt the tremors and had awakened.

Thankfully, the whole thing was over in a matter of seconds and we could feel safer knowing that it was gone without any other damage.

I could not help but post about it in FB and was surprised to get almost immediate responses from people living in Tirana. Later, during the day, I was to learn that the earthquake was stronger in other cities like Belsh, Cerik and Lushnjë.

One of the people who commented on my status, who is currently abroad, was mostly concerned about her sister and family. Her main concern was the fact that many buildings in Tirana and Albania have not been built with the best construction materials and standards, thus putting a lot of people in danger in such rare but unforeseeable cases.

Such is the reality of living in this place.

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About the author 

the Albanian Blogger

Elvis is an Albanian entrepreneur and freelancer, creator and primary contributor behind

He is passionate about what he does on and offline, and wants to be a positive influence on the people he comes in contact with. His desire is to experience life and true friendship, and share the best with everyone.

Since 1998 he has established an ever growing list of ventures, much beloved among which are: Sfida.Pro  and and - libraria ime! He has served as webmaster and digital marketing consultant for names such as: - - - - - - etc, etc.

This Blog was started in September 2004. You can see his professional profile here or contact him directly through his email: eplaku (at)

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