The National Institute of Statistics (INSTAT) on education according to age groups and gender reported that 41.1% of women and 35% of man ages 25-39 year old's have only elementary education levels. This is a depressing situation when you consider Albania’s need for economic development and productivity in a time when wages remain some of the lowest in Europe and property, energy and commodity prices only go up.
According to the 2020 statistics, elementary education levels dominate both genders which is very discouraging considering that this is the peak of their professional lives.
The economic magazine Monitor reported further on these stats explaining that “with this educational levels Albania faces a difficult transformation from agriculture and ‘fason’ to more innovative skills that bring about higher earning.”
A further break down of these statistics indicated that for the 25-39 age bracket:
For women:
For man:
Women represent a higher percentage with elementary education levels, compared to man!
According to Monitor, reporting on Eurostat statistics, Albania ranks fourth after Turkey, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Italy with the largest percentage of unemployed youth, also lacking any training.
Furthermore, according to the same statistics, 1 in 6 European youth were not in school or employed (17% of youth) while that figure in Albania is 1 in 4! Lack of proper education and employment may lead to ongoing waves of migration, according to the magazine.