I am thinking about starting another personal blog in the Albanian language, however I have some things I need to figure out first before I take a final decision. The question is: Why do I want to start a new Blog in Albanian?
Is it really about sharing my thoughts in my mother tongue, or is it so that I can offer something of value to my readers? Well, both of these are true in themselves, but the true compulsion is for me to focus on what I can bring to my Albanian readers.
One question that I would have to answer in whatever I undertake to do with My Albanian Blog is to identify my audience. Moreover, I have to think in terms of who would do I think would be visiting or subscribing to receive my posts. These will be the people that will be impacted, or otherwise just disgusted by what I may write.
Another issue that I will have to figure out is the issue of topics. What would I want to cover or write about? This will also determine where my readers and me come together in terms of my desires and their interest in reading what I write about.
Well, one of these topics would definitively have to be religion and social issues that I feel strongly about. Another would have to be about management; i.e. time, money, people, etc.
Then, I still have to make a final decision on where I would host it. Will it be on a shared location like this one, or on my own domain name?
I’ll let you know, that is for sure.